CBSE Aff. No: 630254 | School Code: 43244

Build & Design
Build & Design
Build & Design
Build & Design







Welcome to GD Goenka Dharamshala

G.D. Goenka Public School, Dharamshala opened the gates of its campus in February, 2016 to its first co-educational intake of students. We are an institute with international standards in education, co-scholastic activities, sports, infrastructure and facilities that embrace the demands of modern curriculum.


To be the most-preferred progressive educational institution, providing state-of-the-art facilities and nurturing environment for comprehensive and value-based education


To provide proactive and responsive education in a congenial and contemporary environment through a team of committed work force for building confident personalities and rewarding career for our students in the competitive global scenario.


Inculcating moral character, self-esteem and a sense of responsibility Development of academic and leadership potential Critical, analytical and independent thinking Balanced and healthy living Appreciation for truth and honesty Reverence of the Indian heritage and ethos Tolerance and respect for other cultures

Some of our Star Students

Lives of great men all remind us, We can make our lives sublime, And departing leave behind foot prints, On the sands of time.

Some of our Star Students Some of our Star Students Some of our Star Students
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Some of our Star Students
Some of our Star Students
Some of our Star Students
Some of our Star Students
Some of our Star Students
Some of our Star Students

What our Chairperson say’s

Education means acquisition of knowledge developing powers of reasoning and character building. It is a process to transform a child into an enlightened human being. Cyber age of today demands education to transcend from its traditional role to fuse the modern day student with scientific temperament , while retaining our core values to prepare him for the task of nation building which is the country’s utmost demand. We at GDGPS Dharamshala endeavour to build our students Higher > Stronger > Brighter. At GD Goenka Public School Children grow and develop in remarkable environment , smart class rooms , hygienic and modern environment and best facilities.

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Jasica Lora

Jasica Lora

TV Model

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et mag na aliqua. Minim veniam, quis nostrud ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo conse quatt adipiscing dolore.

Jhon Smit

Jhon Smit


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et mag na aliqua. Minim veniam, quis nostrud ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo conse quatt adipiscing dolore.

Ramos Leo

Ramos Leo

Affordable online courses and learning opportunities​

Affordable online courses and learning opportunities​

Explore all of our courses and pick your suitable ones to enroll and start learning with us! Flexible easy to access learning opportunities can bring a significant change in how individuals prefer to learn! The Ellen can offer you to enjoy the beauty of eLearning!

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Affordable online courses and learning opportunities​
Affordable online courses and learning opportunities​
Affordable online courses and learning opportunities​
Affordable online courses and learning opportunities​
Affordable online courses and learning opportunities​

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    001 test

    Updated: March 19, 2022
    Beginner 10 hours

    The Complete 2021 Web Development

    Updated: November 9, 2021
    Intermediate 5 hours 20 minutes

    Become a full-stack web developer with just one course. HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Node, React, MongoDB and more!

    Hands-on Artificial Neural Networks

    Updated: November 9, 2021
    Intermediate 5 hours 20 minutes

    Become a full-stack web developer with just one course. HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Node, React, MongoDB and more!

    The Data Science Complete Courses 2021

    Updated: November 9, 2021
    Intermediate 5 hours 20 minutes

    Become a full-stack web developer with just one course. HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Node, React, MongoDB and more!

    Agile Crash Course: Project Management

    Updated: November 9, 2021
    Intermediate 5 hours 20 minutes

    Become a full-stack web developer with just one course. HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Node, React, MongoDB and more!

    Vue JS 3 – The Complete Guide Vue

    Updated: November 9, 2021
    Intermediate 5 hours 20 minutes

    Become a full-stack web developer with just one course. HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Node, React, MongoDB and more!

    The Drawing Course – to Advanced

    Updated: November 9, 2021
    Intermediate 5 hours 20 minutes

    Become a full-stack web developer with just one course. HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Node, React, MongoDB and more!

    Node.js for Beginners: Zero to Hero

    Updated: November 9, 2021
    Intermediate 35 hours 20 minutes

    Become a full-stack web developer with just one course. HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Node, React, MongoDB and more!

    Python for Finance: Data Analytics

    Updated: November 9, 2021
    Intermediate 5 hours 20 minutes

    Become a full-stack web developer with just one course. HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Node, React, MongoDB and more!

    Oracle SQL Developer : 2021 Essentials

    Updated: November 9, 2021
    Intermediate 5 hours 20 minutes

    Become a full-stack web developer with just one course. HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Node, React, MongoDB and more!

    Python Django Web Develop: To-Do App

    Updated: November 9, 2021
    Intermediate 5 hours 20 minutes

    Become a full-stack web developer with just one course. HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Node, React, MongoDB and more!

    Microsoft Excel – Excel from Beginner

    Updated: November 9, 2021
    Intermediate 5 hours 20 minutes

    Become a full-stack web developer with just one course. HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Node, React, MongoDB and more!

    Deep Learning The Numpy Stack in Python

    Updated: November 9, 2021
    Intermediate 5 hours 20 minutes

    Become a full-stack web developer with just one course. HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Node, React, MongoDB and more!

    JavaScript: Understanding the Weird Parts

    Updated: November 9, 2021
    Intermediate 5 hours 20 minutes

    Become a full-stack web developer with just one course. HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Node, React, MongoDB and more!

    Modern JavaScript From The Beginning

    Updated: November 9, 2021
    Intermediate 5 hours 20 minutes

    Become a full-stack web developer with just one course. HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Node, React, MongoDB and more!

    JavaScript: The Advanced Concepts (2021)

    Updated: November 9, 2021
    Intermediate 5 hours 20 minutes

    Become a full-stack web developer with just one course. HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Node, React, MongoDB and more!

    20 Web Projects With Vanilla JavaScript

    Updated: October 26, 2021
    Intermediate 5 hours 20 minutes

    Become a full-stack web developer with just one course. HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Node, React, MongoDB and more!

    The Complete 2021 Web Development

    Updated: January 29, 2021
    Intermediate 5 hours 20 minutes

    Become a full-stack web developer with just one course. HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Node, React, MongoDB and more!

    Hands-on Artificial Neural Networks

    Updated: January 29, 2021
    Intermediate 5 hours 20 minutes

    Become a full-stack web developer with just one course. HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Node, React, MongoDB and more!

    The Data Science Complete Courses 2021

    Updated: January 29, 2021
    Intermediate 5 hours 20 minutes

    Become a full-stack web developer with just one course. HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Node, React, MongoDB and more!

    Agile Crash Course: Project Management

    Updated: January 29, 2021
    Intermediate 5 hours 20 minutes

    Become a full-stack web developer with just one course. HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Node, React, MongoDB and more!

    Vue JS 3 – The Complete Guide Vue

    Updated: January 29, 2021
    Intermediate 5 hours 20 minutes

    Become a full-stack web developer with just one course. HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Node, React, MongoDB and more!

    The Drawing Course – to Advanced

    Updated: January 29, 2021
    Intermediate 5 hours 20 minutes

    Become a full-stack web developer with just one course. HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Node, React, MongoDB and more!

    Node.js for Beginners: Zero to Hero

    Updated: January 29, 2021
    Intermediate 35 hours 20 minutes

    Become a full-stack web developer with just one course. HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Node, React, MongoDB and more!

    Python for Finance: Data Analytics

    Updated: January 29, 2021
    Intermediate 5 hours 20 minutes

    Become a full-stack web developer with just one course. HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Node, React, MongoDB and more!